Available Infrastructure In DIET

No. Details Numbers
1 Class room 06
2 Assembly hall 01
3 Principal chamber 01
4 Lecture”s room 01
5 Administration office room 01
6 Library 0
7 Computer room 0
8 Science laboratory 0
9 Psychology laboratory 0
10 Science park 0
11 Resource Room- Language 0
12 Conference Hall 1
13 Campus with plants 20+
14 Dell Computer LAB 0
15 Resource Room-Arts 0
16 Indoor Games-Room 0
17 Resource Room-Social science 0
18 Resource Room-Psychology 0
19 Resource Room-Maths 0
20 Resource Room-Local Specific Material 0

Available Infrastructure In ICT

No. Name of Instrument Quantity
1 Computer Systems 08
2 Laser Printer 03
3 colour Printer 0
4 Sound Amplifier System 0
5 Mike Set 0
6 Colour TV 0
7 Laptop 1
8 Camera 0
9 Scanner 01
10 LCD Projector 0
11 UPS 0
12 Smart Class 0
13 Modem 01
14 Internet (Broadband conn.) 01